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  • F6d97a screenshot 31

    @Mansi No, Place the YCD file into the Addonprops Folder.
    Open the Text File Drag and Drop all Files into Favorite Anims.
    Go into the SP spawn a Male/Female PED.
    Go to Animations / Favourite and at the end are the Anims

    Martes 22 de Novembro de 2022
  • F6d97a screenshot 31

    @Mansi It can also read ycd. files.

    Luns 21 de Novembro de 2022
  • F6d97a screenshot 31

    @Mansi You need to install the YCD File into the Addon Props Folder and The Texfiles into FavoriteAnims and you´re done. When you already got it then start SP open Menyoo ( The Anims are in the Favorite list in Animations)

    Luns 21 de Novembro de 2022
  • F6d97a screenshot 31

    @Mansi Hello,
    The animations work, friends have tested it and they worked, it may be because you may have overlooked something or inserted it incorrectly. I didn't describe exactly how to install Addonprops and FavoriteAnims in the description, because you can look on the GTA 5 Mods website how to install it, I only gave the paths and folders.

    Luns 21 de Novembro de 2022
  • F6d97a screenshot 31

    hi i didn't create the coordinates for dpEmotes please contact Tay Mc Kenzie if you found it on github because i only created the poses.

    Luns 21 de Novembro de 2022
  • F6d97a screenshot 31

    @TayMcKenzie appreciated! 😁

    Luns 21 de Novembro de 2022
  • F6d97a screenshot 31

    if you have problems you can also write me via Discord (EN/GER)
    Lucas YN#0001

    Sábado 19 de Novembro de 2022