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  • Michael

    @Kevlo I haven't tried FiveM, maybe I'll try it someday.

    Domingo 12 de Maio de 2019
  • Michael

    @sg1234 search on this site for keyword "nude", I see there are plenty of nude ped models here.

    Sábado 20 de Abril de 2019
  • Michael

    @sg1234 Trevor can take his pants off because there is a pants-off model for Trevor. So if you want to take off other ped's pants, you have to mod that ped's model.

    Xoves 18 de Abril de 2019
  • Michael

    Sorry @MrRyanMcCowen but I haven't tried FiveM, maybe I'll try it someday.

    Domingo 14 de Abril de 2019
  • Michael

    @idkwhattoputhere Hi, according to your youtube comment: ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7T4IwkeoxA&lc=UgyFioXltWtef5NDAVB4AaABAg ), you said you stuck with a feature "automatically shoots when aim", HDN mod does *not* have the feature "automatically shoots when aim", it could be a feature of other mod. But please give me more details (how did you activate that feature) so that I can help you.

    Domingo 6 de Xaneiro de 2019
  • Michael

    @CnK The message in GTAV's Brief Help menu (Z+Enter : Open/Close HDN's Menu) shows that the mod works properly, maybe the problem is the way you press, try it this way: Hold Z and press Enter. Also can you pee (check this video to learn how to pee: https://youtu.be/xtfoIw386fc )?

    Sábado 14 de Xullo de 2018
  • Michael

    @yzhlzz Anyway, thanks for pointing out the [[[vehicles that causes the game to crash]]], you are awesome! :D

    Venres 13 de Xullo de 2018
  • Michael

    @yzhlzz Thank you :D You are awesome! I'm impressed that you can translate the text :) did you use IDA Pro or PE Explorer?

    Venres 13 de Xullo de 2018
  • Michael

    @yzhlzz Please try version, download at: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ph7mOiSqUTmMazsBrSgcvoFvY0wooaNf
    In version, Try to fix crash issue on GTA V Chinese language (actually, I don't have Chinese language for my GTA V, I tested on Japanese language instead), please check if it works for you.

    Xoves 12 de Xullo de 2018
  • Michael

    @yzhlzz But if you remove the [[[vehicles that causes the game to crash]]] you mention in your previous comment, then the mod works, right?

    Mércores 11 de Xullo de 2018