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  • 83defe skydiving insurance

    thanks a lot for adding the new functions
    you're awesome!

    Mércores 22 de Marzo de 2017
  • 83defe skydiving insurance

    A good mod, but it gets boring after half an hour

    Domingo 19 de Marzo de 2017
  • 83defe skydiving insurance

    I love your mod so far, but I bet you could add too little things to make it even better

    1. "3D flying" / reverse thrust as toggleable option (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ_1xQXj0FQ)
    2. a "stick cam" black cirlce with white dot or sth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tngSNGm-31U)

    Xoves 16 de Marzo de 2017
  • 83defe skydiving insurance

    simply awesome!

    Luns 13 de Marzo de 2017
  • 83defe skydiving insurance

    First of all I really like your work! Thanks for the efforts!
    I use it without reshade, enb and any other visual mod

    1. What is procuderal shadows? It's not clear in the description, and google doesn't help.

    2.During storm/thunder some trees are flashing unnaturally bright (some trees completly dark)
    Hardware shouldn't be a problem

    Sábado 1 de Outubro de 2016
  • 83defe skydiving insurance

    Thank u again for your improvements.
    Already have flown 1hour as it's so much fun.
    Is there a way to prevent the camera shaking?
    I often play in first person and I get dizzy due to it.

    Venres 1 de Abril de 2016
  • 83defe skydiving insurance

    ur awesome i love this mod,
    starting from ground is sometimes difficult but flying is superb (with controller)

    Xoves 31 de Marzo de 2016
  • 83defe skydiving insurance

    I've been busy and just saw that you've added the option for a background (and many features more) thank you.
    But I think you missunderstood my first comment and read over the word "transparent".

    Mércores 22 de Xullo de 2015
  • 83defe skydiving insurance

    Nice mod, best speedo out here imo. Could you add an option to enable a transparent black (or colored) background. But let it be editable so everyone can have his favorite preferences. Maybe you could just copy some code of the native Trainer, which has such an option, and adapt it to the speedo. Keep up the good work!
    Greetz Calvin

    Domingo 12 de Xullo de 2015