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    You *pinned* that comment? Wow.

    Mércores 26 de Outubro de 2016
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    Just loaded this up and checking my ScriptHookVDotNet log shows this error:
    [21:25:27] [ERROR] Caught fatal unhandled exception:
    System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
    Parameter name: index
    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
    at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
    at MoreCrimeMod.OnTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at GTA.Script.raise_Tick(Object value0, EventArgs value1)
    at GTA.Script.MainLoop()
    [21:25:32] [ERROR] Script 'MoreCrimeMod' is not responding! Aborting ...
    [21:25:32] [DEBUG] Aborted script 'MoreCrimeMod'.

    I do have quite a number of other mods so maybe it's some weird interaction going on

    Sábado 8 de Outubro de 2016
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    Hello. Just loaded this up for the first time and checking my ScriptHookVDotNet log I see an error:
    [20:58:40] [ERROR] Caught fatal unhandled exception:
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at GTA.Ped.IsInVehicle(Vehicle vehicle)
    at BaitCar.OnTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at GTA.Script.raise_Tick(Object value0, EventArgs value1)
    at GTA.Script.MainLoop()
    [20:58:45] [ERROR] Script 'BaitCar' is not responding! Aborting ...
    [20:58:45] [DEBUG] Aborted script 'BaitCar'.

    I do have quite a number of other mods running so maybe it's some weird interaction going on.

    Sábado 8 de Outubro de 2016
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    Fantastic. Thanks for all your hard work on this, RM76. It's improved my game no end.

    Xoves 8 de Outubro de 2015
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    Fantastic. Thank you _so_ much for updating this.

    Martes 8 de Setembro de 2015
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    Just on this:
    "Known bugs:
    - The route to a marker on the map might sometimes disappear. This is a common bug, not related to my mod. The marker will still be visible even after the route is gone."

    Enhanced Taxi Missions by LCBuffalo maybe worth a look (.vb file). In that mod the route is refreshed every few seconds, whilst it means that the route isn't always visible it never permanently disappears. It's not been updated in a while so the functions used in the code may not be compatible with latest .Net (wish it'd be updated but hey ho). Linkie:

    Xoves 27 de Agosto de 2015
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    Another fantastic mod, and if it's expandable too. Er... Double wow.

    Martes 4 de Agosto de 2015
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    What an excellent idea.
    No idea if this is possible but could one identify the % damage on the vehicle and then do a calculation like
    $1000 * % damage = repair cost

    Regardless, thanks for the mod.

    Martes 4 de Agosto de 2015
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    @Bilago: Thanks, changed to the "Folder Mod Detection Mode" and can install those speedometer mods now. Although they don't work :-S Not your problem though. Thanks for keeping this utility up to date and supporting all us pesky users.
    And thanks @Rohith for the guidance in pinned thread

    Sábado 25 de Xullo de 2015
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    Hello. Quite a while since I posted here.

    I'm not sure if this has been reported yet, if it has apologies.

    Speedometer by LeFix (https://www.gta5-mods.com/scripts/speedometer-improvedalexbladeversion) has a directory of textures which needs to be installed into the GTA V directory.

    "Copy the *.asi, the *.ini and the LeFixSpeedo folder into GTA V main folder."

    I've put that directory into my mods folder but it's not being symlinked it seems.

    Would using the "each mod in a separate folder" install method work here or is this a new mod packaging method which needs to be included in Mod Manager?

    Xoves 23 de Xullo de 2015