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@Streiter_V12 you should make a Mercedes Benz i4 sound, theres absolutely non on this website
@davidbaach you put out the best rim mods, wheel size is always perfect, other wheels i've installed the wheels were thin and looked strange but yours are always perfect. I look forward to seeing the stuff you post because of the perfection.
5 stars because the car works and functions as should.
If i was a billionaire would i buy this in real life? Nope lol the Chiron should have had all the stuff the Tourbillon has, what in the world was Bugatti thinking with the design lol.
Not for mid to low range rigs, my PC gets around 40-50 FPS without this installed but with this installed i get 25FPS especially at night. I like the mod, its nice and it works as intended but its FPS driven with my "experience"
looks great, instead of replacing them i added them to my addon wheels folder, i made a folder for wheels and sounds to keep my dlclist clean incase i need to backup my mods folder.
@Brukanator thats also probably one of the reasons why copyright car brands crack down on sites like this hosting their brands because they know people also profit off them. This mod isn't that bad because its not selling other people's stuff
@Twatchai Will you ever fix the brakelights? They only work with the middle brakelight
@Gta5KoRn From what i heard Rockstar or someone was threatened by Porsche with a lawsuit, i personally won't download Porsche mods or even buy a Porsche in real life if i had the money over this petty behaviour especially when nothing on GTA 5 Mods is for sale, they basically don't like people using their cars even if the mods are free which is super petty
I love the attention to detail on the dash, i drive in first person so interior is a big deal for me and this is just amazing.