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  • Tubeguy

    System.NullReferenceException: A reference to an object of a non-binding set for an object instance.
    in ScripttutorialUK.OnKeyUp (Object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    in SHVDN.Script.MainLoop ()
    [10:34:15] [ERROR] An exception occurred while executing the script ScripttutorialUK. Mod was crashed

    Xoves 16 de Abril de 2020
  • Tubeguy

    When I update my status mod was chrashed

    Xoves 16 de Abril de 2020
  • Tubeguy

    System.DivideByZeroException: Nastąpiła próba podzielenia przez zero.
    w VCarSharing.src.VCarSharing.Map(Int32 x, Int32 in_min, Int32 in_max, Int32 out_min, Int32 out_max)
    w VCarSharing.src.VCarSharing.SpawnVehiclesRandomly()
    w VCarSharing.src.VCarSharing.OnTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    w SHVDN.Script.MainLoop() next 5 min game gta5 mod is crashed

    Domingo 12 de Abril de 2020
  • Tubeguy

    When I play after bought trucking job I press B and I pau 50000 help me player I dont have any error

    Domingo 29 de Marzo de 2020