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  • 4dbf2c 2038f2b2ce0ea7d0ed28a9b050cd1f8f8f5e55f1 full
  • 4dbf2c 2038f2b2ce0ea7d0ed28a9b050cd1f8f8f5e55f1 full

    Will you be making HD Textures like you did in GTA IV?

    Venres 2 de Xuño de 2017
  • 4dbf2c 2038f2b2ce0ea7d0ed28a9b050cd1f8f8f5e55f1 full

    @alberto ciurcina I'm using default timesyc, not gotten round to making my own and I probably won't either.

    Mércores 17 de Agosto de 2016
  • 4dbf2c 2038f2b2ce0ea7d0ed28a9b050cd1f8f8f5e55f1 full
    Pinned Comment

    If anyone is having trouble making the mod work, make sure it is activated first.

    Do this by pressing Shift + F12 and by pressing Scr Lk. If you still have problems;

    Go into "enblocal.ini" and edit the [PROXY] section to this:


    At this time, I do <b>not</b> aim to continue this project. If I ever do come back to it, I will fully re-work everything. Just don't get your hopes up.


    Sábado 28 de Maio de 2016
  • 4dbf2c 2038f2b2ce0ea7d0ed28a9b050cd1f8f8f5e55f1 full

    @mltmayali If you're having trouble, when in-game press Shift + F12 then press Scr Lk. This activates both ReShade and ENB. If you're still having trouble, read the pinned comment and try that,

    If you still wish to uninstall, just remove all the files you placed when installing.

    Sábado 28 de Maio de 2016
  • 4dbf2c 2038f2b2ce0ea7d0ed28a9b050cd1f8f8f5e55f1 full

    @Todays GamesYT Yes, I just don't know if ENB mods are allowed online.

    Mércores 11 de Maio de 2016
  • 4dbf2c 2038f2b2ce0ea7d0ed28a9b050cd1f8f8f5e55f1 full

    @MagicMan89 No problem man

    Luns 11 de Abril de 2016
  • 4dbf2c 2038f2b2ce0ea7d0ed28a9b050cd1f8f8f5e55f1 full

    @MagicMan89 Installation instructions are in the download. Also check the pinned comment.

    @DrixMODS Well, the mod has SweetFX and ENB. So you could just choose 1 of the 2.

    Domingo 10 de Abril de 2016
  • 4dbf2c 2038f2b2ce0ea7d0ed28a9b050cd1f8f8f5e55f1 full

    @DrixMODS If you mean have I changed only the brightness? No. There's a lot of stuff changed.

    Domingo 10 de Abril de 2016
  • 4dbf2c 2038f2b2ce0ea7d0ed28a9b050cd1f8f8f5e55f1 full

    Don't listen to the haters, they more or less haven't even tried working on a mod so they have no idea what they're talking about. In some ways, you should and shouldn't listen to feedback. I feel that your own ENB should be how YOU want it, not what everyone else wants it to be.

    At the same time, if there's a lot of people commenting about a certain problem then it means there's room for improvement. I do agree with the rest and think the brightness should be toned down just a little and car reflections should be toned down too.

    For your first attempt though, nice try :D

    Xoves 31 de Marzo de 2016