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    @Jonathan88 yeah it's the remastered version, thanks for the heads up

    Luns 13 de Agosto de 2018
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    sorry not the Intruder, it's the Futo

    Luns 13 de Agosto de 2018
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    @Carrythxd awesome, thanks - looking forward to it.

    Luns 13 de Agosto de 2018
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    I'm enjoying this mod so far, really spices the world up and makes it feel new. However I noticed after I installed it, three different car models have a texture bug (it will flicker at distance then go to a weird transparent layer looking thing when close) since installing it. It happens on the Ruiner, Penumbra, and I think the third one is the Intruder. I'm currently running Visual V, Natural Vision, Euphoria, and MP cars in SP mod - i've installed NV and the WoV lite in correct order. Can you see what in my mod list may be conflicting and if there are specific files I can troubleshoot to fix, or just a reinstall of all my mods? Thanks for the great mod.

    Luns 13 de Agosto de 2018
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    Hi, @Carrythxd. This mod looks great, however when I try to start a new game story mode gets stuck on loading. I waited a bit longer than usual as I figured the extra cars would increase the load time a bit, however after waiting about 15 minutes I realized the load was hanging. I uninstalled all mods, and the game started loading up again. I began installing mods one by one to see which was causing it (Visual V, Natural Vision, Euphoria) and all worked fine until I added this one back on - so it seems it doesn't like working right at the start of the story mode.

    Domingo 12 de Agosto de 2018