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  • Bugstars

    @salvuz Hey, I've been using scripthookdotnet a lot recently; I'll probably re-make those mods into dotnet at some point.

    Sábado 21 de Maio de 2016
  • Bugstars

    hmm, looks kinda familiar. But who am I to say that, right?

    If you're going to use other mods as a template (yes I know it was a super simple one but regardless, it's the principle), at least give some credit. If you want to get into scripting, don't just tear content, be creative, add your own stuff to it such as menus, extra functions etc...

    Sábado 21 de Maio de 2016
  • Bugstars

    @Interknet ^Check that comment please^

    Xoves 4 de Febreiro de 2016
  • Bugstars

    Sorry, I don't fully support LUA mods anymore, I'm currently using .NET. Although if I have time I might take a look into the issue.

    Xoves 4 de Febreiro de 2016
  • Bugstars

    This was one of the reasons I stopped creating addons, because they got 'remade' when I was using LUA, I appreciate you have put effort into changing some of the code, but I can very clearly see you've used my addon as a base, I would appreciate it greatly if you could mention that you did infact use my script as a base.

    I would not be writing this comment if I had not specifically mentioned in the script itself that you will not re-distribute.

    I try to be fair, but please at least mention in the description, thanks.

    Xoves 4 de Febreiro de 2016
  • Bugstars

    @HunterCOP42 sorry for the late reply, please place it in the folder that the LUA addon indicates to do so, I do think it is the plugin folder but I've stopped using LUA for a while, focusing on .NET.

    Xoves 4 de Febreiro de 2016
  • Bugstars

    I take it back, I also saw you put my name with yours :D thanks.

    Xoves 30 de Xullo de 2015
  • Bugstars

    Thanks for putting my name in the desc, I would be happy now. But seeing it featured by one of my favorite Youtube groups (Funhaus) has made me a little mad -_-. Never mind though.

    Xoves 30 de Xullo de 2015
  • Bugstars

    @Robert95 I agree :/

    Sábado 18 de Xullo de 2015
  • Bugstars

    @Rjose101 Thanks man! :D

    Sábado 18 de Xullo de 2015