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  • 91639e 1s2jvm7o5bxnnp8mapknjwqe9yhex1ogzszode8v

    @Reactors thank you so much for your feedback! I appreciate your detailed suggestions. I will do my best to implement the ability to adjust density by hour and by zone through an ini file in the near future. Your idea of ignoring specific groups is very interesting, and I will look into incorporating that feature as well. Thank you for your patience and support!

    Domingo 9 de Xuño de 2024
  • 91639e 1s2jvm7o5bxnnp8mapknjwqe9yhex1ogzszode8v

    @Reactors, thank you for your question. My script adjusts the density of NPCs and vehicles based on the in-game time and day without directly interacting with specific group configurations in the popgroups.ymt and popcycle.dat files. Therefore, it should work with both the standard groups and any new groups you've added. The script operates independently of the specific group definitions, so the old, standard groups of transport and peds should work correctly alongside the new groups you've created. If you encounter any issues, please let me know, and I'll do my best to address them.

    Sábado 8 de Xuño de 2024
  • 91639e 1s2jvm7o5bxnnp8mapknjwqe9yhex1ogzszode8v

    @totolike thank you for your feedback! I appreciate your suggestion, and I will work on an updating to increase the number of cars and peds during rush hour over the summer.

    Venres 31 de Maio de 2024
  • 91639e 1s2jvm7o5bxnnp8mapknjwqe9yhex1ogzszode8v

    @thong12345 To be honest, I currently don't have any plans to update this mod, but if GTAV update causes any issues, I will make sure to fix them.
    For future updates, I'm open to suggestions from any players and feel free to share any ideas or feedback you have, whether it's for this mod or for future projects. : D

    Sábado 25 de Maio de 2024
  • 91639e 1s2jvm7o5bxnnp8mapknjwqe9yhex1ogzszode8v

    @Soru1368 Hi~ You have to put all files in your scripts folder.

    Venres 24 de Maio de 2024
  • 91639e 1s2jvm7o5bxnnp8mapknjwqe9yhex1ogzszode8v

    @Rax109022001 謝謝捧場~XD

    Venres 24 de Maio de 2024
  • 91639e 1s2jvm7o5bxnnp8mapknjwqe9yhex1ogzszode8v

    @thong12345 @SelfRayRayBusiness I appreciate your support! Happy to see you like the mod.

    Venres 24 de Maio de 2024