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    Can you make this to where passengers (myself) can get into the back seat, to be used with the personal driver mod...you can have this fine big car and I cant get in the rear to be driven around. Please fix.

    Domingo 15 de Outubro de 2023
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    @Reyser yes but irl are you seriously going to take out an entire police force? And what, they don't call back up from other cities, counties, armed forces etc...so, yes, irl the cops don't "respawn" but they won't just "stop" either... especially after you killed 100 of them 😆

    Luns 13 de Xuño de 2022
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    Nothing happens when I press H. Am I putting the homie folder in scripts or just the Class file? Right now I just dropped the Class dll in scripts and nothing happens.

    Sábado 12 de Febreiro de 2022
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    Can you make this so I can select any car I choose, I like to use my personal modded cars. The old Personal Driver mod you were able to use any car, but the driving AI was horrible.

    Domingo 6 de Febreiro de 2022
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    Nice ride! How do you recline the rear seats?

    Sábado 5 de Febreiro de 2022
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    Everything seems to work up until I install my modded cars to import garage. When I open the import garage it shows my first 10 cars, and when I go to the 11th car (while scrolling), the script crashes. I reset the script (insert) and the same thing happens.

    Sábado 29 de Xaneiro de 2022
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    @HKH191 I usually don't have an issue finding and fixing things in files, but what exact file and line do I change the interaction key? Thanks for your help.

    Domingo 23 de Xaneiro de 2022
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    player companion mod interaction menu conflict with phone. I can't use it, or how do I? When I press up, my phone comes out.

    Sábado 22 de Xaneiro de 2022
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    @ArcKun if I'm understanding this mod as I read it, the cops eventually leave out stop coming THE MORE you kill them? 😐🤔 How is that realistic?

    Sábado 22 de Xaneiro de 2022
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    Got it to work (missions) but after every mission I get a black screen with the saving/loading circle in the bottom right and it doesn't end...I end up having to close the GTA V program. Can you tell me what's wrong and how to fix it?

    Martes 18 de Xaneiro de 2022