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    For those with

    [ERROR] Caught fatal unhandled exception:
    System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
    at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToInteger(Object Value)
    at EnhancedTaxiMissions.payPlayer(Int32 amount)
    at EnhancedTaxiMissions.PlayerHasStoppedAtDestination()
    at EnhancedTaxiMissions.checkIfPlayerHasStoppedAtDestination()
    at EnhancedTaxiMissions.Update(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at System.EventHandler.Invoke(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at SHVDN.Script.MainLoop()
    [10:16:51] [ERROR] The exception was thrown while executing the script EnhancedTaxiMissions.
    [10:16:51] [WARNING] Aborted script EnhancedTaxiMissions

    Check if you have $2147483647. If you do, deduct money and try the mod again. This worked for me.
    Think it has to do with 2147483647 being the maximum possible value for an integer, which the mod uses. It's also the max amount of money in the game, so the mod can't add money -> script crashes.

    Domingo 31 de Outubro de 2021
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    @kenny_mtb @Curtis7E @erkinbabaev This is because the content.xml and setup2.xml files are incorrect. Everywhere where it said 'car' in these two files, I replaced it with 's63' and now the car spawns as it should. Hope this works for you guys too!

    Mércores 23 de Agosto de 2017
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    Nice idea, too bad that there's this lod error

    Luns 24 de Xullo de 2017
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    @Fis Compatibility with 2.5c would be amazing but just do what you like! I'll keep following the mod and I might jus try to install it and hope there aren't any crashes. Thanks anyway for your detailed and helpful anwer!

    Luns 24 de Xullo de 2017
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    Amazing mod @Fis, but which LA Roads 2.7 do you mean? All I see is 2.5c, which is the one I have. Will your mod work with this one?Thanks

    Domingo 23 de Xullo de 2017
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    @S4MuEL - One of the best looking cars oot here dude! Great work! Could you just change the indicator lights to orange again or make the previous version available to download for those who like the orange lights? Thanks in advance!

    Sábado 15 de Xullo de 2017
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    @zQrba Will you update the LODs so they'll work? Other than that, great job whatsoever!

    Mércores 4 de Novembro de 2015