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  • 1bbc07 gnrl

    @mkelite try using map editor. I had the same issue. With map editor you can also easily change the scene with additional peds or props.

    Mércores 20 de Xaneiro de 2016
  • 1bbc07 gnrl

    @elsewhat Solved the problem. I recorded police ped's/actors when driving, i switched them to normal ped's, and they did drive. Can't find the log file tho, hope this issue helps you with your next update. Great work !

    Mércores 20 de Xaneiro de 2016
  • 1bbc07 gnrl

    When i record 3 or more actors driving, only the first 2 actors starts driving.
    The other actors dont drive at all. Each actor has their own recording. Please Help !

    Martes 19 de Xaneiro de 2016
  • 1bbc07 gnrl

    @Rickyboy30 voeg me toe op steam, ik wil graag helpen, ook met eventueel brandweer en ambulance etc..

    Mércores 3 de Xuño de 2015
  • 1bbc07 gnrl

    This is exactly what i was searching for the pas couple days... GREAT JOB ! Btw can you make any actor like say something, or just talk ? Thanks x

    Luns 1 de Xuño de 2015