Improved Canis Terminus [Replace] 1.1
Hello, I am K_Seong_Hun.
This time, I brought you some work to show you.
There were several problems with “Canis Terminus,” which was released during the last winter update.
This mode fixes that problem and makes several improvements.
Modified Item
- Fixed an issue where the glass did not appear in the cap part of the loop tuning item.
- Improved the phenomenon where the inside of the spare tire is empty when looking at the spare tire from the inside.
(This content is consistent with the spare tire phenomenon in Maibatsu Monstro City.)
Add extra parts
- Added “Terminus” decals to both sides of the bonnet.
These are extra tuning parts and can be activated or deactivated using the trainer.
- Auxiliary brake lights have been added to the trunk.
This can also be activated or deactivated like the extra parts of the bonnet.
It is a “brake” light and lights up when the brake is used.
These two items were referenced from the details of "Jeep Wrangler Rubicon".
Your feedback and opinions are always welcome.
thank you.
(And this is sad news.
We are currently resolving the issue of Aleutian XL not appearing in-game, but we are unable to find the problem, so it will likely take quite a long time.
We are very sorry to those who are waiting for this, and we will try to resolve it quickly.)
- fix roof windows
- fix spare tire
1.1 Ver.s
- Add Lods
Rockstar Games - Original design, 3d model,
K_Seong_Hun - Model edits
1. After receiving the file, unzip it or go directly to the improved_terminus folder.
Go into the “fix_tuning_part” folder and save the file.
"Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\mp2023_02\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\mp2023_02\vehiclemods\terminus_mods.rpf\"
Please go to and apply.
2. Then, go into the vehicle_file folder and
terminus.ytf, terminus_hi.ytf, terminus.ytd
Go to "Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\mp2023_02\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\gta5\vehicles\mp2023_02.rpf\" and apply.
3. Enjoy!
This time, I brought you some work to show you.
There were several problems with “Canis Terminus,” which was released during the last winter update.
This mode fixes that problem and makes several improvements.
Modified Item
- Fixed an issue where the glass did not appear in the cap part of the loop tuning item.
- Improved the phenomenon where the inside of the spare tire is empty when looking at the spare tire from the inside.
(This content is consistent with the spare tire phenomenon in Maibatsu Monstro City.)
Add extra parts
- Added “Terminus” decals to both sides of the bonnet.
These are extra tuning parts and can be activated or deactivated using the trainer.
- Auxiliary brake lights have been added to the trunk.
This can also be activated or deactivated like the extra parts of the bonnet.
It is a “brake” light and lights up when the brake is used.
These two items were referenced from the details of "Jeep Wrangler Rubicon".
Your feedback and opinions are always welcome.
thank you.
(And this is sad news.
We are currently resolving the issue of Aleutian XL not appearing in-game, but we are unable to find the problem, so it will likely take quite a long time.
We are very sorry to those who are waiting for this, and we will try to resolve it quickly.)
- fix roof windows
- fix spare tire
1.1 Ver.s
- Add Lods
Rockstar Games - Original design, 3d model,
K_Seong_Hun - Model edits
1. After receiving the file, unzip it or go directly to the improved_terminus folder.
Go into the “fix_tuning_part” folder and save the file.
"Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\mp2023_02\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\mp2023_02\vehiclemods\terminus_mods.rpf\"
Please go to and apply.
2. Then, go into the vehicle_file folder and
terminus.ytf, terminus_hi.ytf, terminus.ytd
Go to "Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\mp2023_02\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\gta5\vehicles\mp2023_02.rpf\" and apply.
3. Enjoy!
First Uploaded: Domingo 14 de Xaneiro de 2024
Last Updated: Luns 15 de Xaneiro de 2024
Last Downloaded: 9 minuto
Hello, I am K_Seong_Hun.
This time, I brought you some work to show you.
There were several problems with “Canis Terminus,” which was released during the last winter update.
This mode fixes that problem and makes several improvements.
Modified Item
- Fixed an issue where the glass did not appear in the cap part of the loop tuning item.
- Improved the phenomenon where the inside of the spare tire is empty when looking at the spare tire from the inside.
(This content is consistent with the spare tire phenomenon in Maibatsu Monstro City.)
Add extra parts
- Added “Terminus” decals to both sides of the bonnet.
These are extra tuning parts and can be activated or deactivated using the trainer.
- Auxiliary brake lights have been added to the trunk.
This can also be activated or deactivated like the extra parts of the bonnet.
It is a “brake” light and lights up when the brake is used.
These two items were referenced from the details of "Jeep Wrangler Rubicon".
Your feedback and opinions are always welcome.
thank you.
(And this is sad news.
We are currently resolving the issue of Aleutian XL not appearing in-game, but we are unable to find the problem, so it will likely take quite a long time.
We are very sorry to those who are waiting for this, and we will try to resolve it quickly.)
- fix roof windows
- fix spare tire
1.1 Ver.s
- Add Lods
Rockstar Games - Original design, 3d model,
K_Seong_Hun - Model edits
1. After receiving the file, unzip it or go directly to the improved_terminus folder.
Go into the “fix_tuning_part” folder and save the file.
"Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\mp2023_02\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\mp2023_02\vehiclemods\terminus_mods.rpf\"
Please go to and apply.
2. Then, go into the vehicle_file folder and
terminus.ytf, terminus_hi.ytf, terminus.ytd
Go to "Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\mp2023_02\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\gta5\vehicles\mp2023_02.rpf\" and apply.
3. Enjoy!
This time, I brought you some work to show you.
There were several problems with “Canis Terminus,” which was released during the last winter update.
This mode fixes that problem and makes several improvements.
Modified Item
- Fixed an issue where the glass did not appear in the cap part of the loop tuning item.
- Improved the phenomenon where the inside of the spare tire is empty when looking at the spare tire from the inside.
(This content is consistent with the spare tire phenomenon in Maibatsu Monstro City.)
Add extra parts
- Added “Terminus” decals to both sides of the bonnet.
These are extra tuning parts and can be activated or deactivated using the trainer.
- Auxiliary brake lights have been added to the trunk.
This can also be activated or deactivated like the extra parts of the bonnet.
It is a “brake” light and lights up when the brake is used.
These two items were referenced from the details of "Jeep Wrangler Rubicon".
Your feedback and opinions are always welcome.
thank you.
(And this is sad news.
We are currently resolving the issue of Aleutian XL not appearing in-game, but we are unable to find the problem, so it will likely take quite a long time.
We are very sorry to those who are waiting for this, and we will try to resolve it quickly.)
- fix roof windows
- fix spare tire
1.1 Ver.s
- Add Lods
Rockstar Games - Original design, 3d model,
K_Seong_Hun - Model edits
1. After receiving the file, unzip it or go directly to the improved_terminus folder.
Go into the “fix_tuning_part” folder and save the file.
"Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\mp2023_02\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\mp2023_02\vehiclemods\terminus_mods.rpf\"
Please go to and apply.
2. Then, go into the vehicle_file folder and
terminus.ytf, terminus_hi.ytf, terminus.ytd
Go to "Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\mp2023_02\dlc.rpf\x64\levels\gta5\vehicles\mp2023_02.rpf\" and apply.
3. Enjoy!
First Uploaded: Domingo 14 de Xaneiro de 2024
Last Updated: Luns 15 de Xaneiro de 2024
Last Downloaded: 9 minuto
좋은 모드 감사합니다
Great mod!
Will you improve the interior also?
I like the various fixes and additions, but the fact that the LODs were removed doesn't really justify calling this an "improved" version in my opinion, I'm not sure if that was intentional or the result or importing/exporting the model incorrectly (check the tutorials by 13Stewartc on YT), but it would be nice to have this fixed for the next version,
I think this mod has potential.
I also noticed that the "Terminus" decal on the side was made in an odd resolution (1892 x 1420)
and thereby lacks mipmaps, make sure to read this:
@11john11 Oh no, I didn't think of Lod.
I will check the contents you mentioned and refer to them when making changes tomorrow.
Typical of billion dollars greedystar to make such brokeass vehicles that the community fixes ... smh
instant install
@K_Seong_Hun i believe that because there is FLAG_EXTRAS_REQUIRE and extra 1 is already in required, it will never spawn your new extras unless in a trainer
Once again you did better than the Rockstar India devs!
@2013hondacivic 저도 감사드립니다~ :)
@koeartrucksim 이야 ㅋㅋ.. 또 시작이시네요? 아직도 정신을 못차리신건가?
@koeartrucksim 이쯤되면 맥이는건가 ㅋㅋ 옆 플랫폼에서 예전에 뿌렸던걸로 돈 받아 쳐먹고 팔아먹는 인간있어서 ㅈ같은데 쌍으로 엿맥이시네요 ㅋㅋ 아 설마 같은분이신가? ㅋ
더는 할말없으신데다 불편하게 해드렸다면 죄송하다 못을 박아두셔놓고 왜 또 와서 난리를 칠려하세요 ㅋㅋ 그럴꺼면 불편하게 해드려서 죄송하다, 할말없다, 라고 하시질 말던가
틱톡가셔서 유트과속왕씨 한태 모드 달라고 하세요 ㅋ 아주그냥 야무지게 남이 피땀눈물흘려가면서 만든거 스리슬쩍 해갖고와가지곤 돈받아먹고 팔면서 꿀 빨던데 ㅋㅋ
ㅈ병신 유로트럭 두번다시 복귀안한다 배포 할 생각 ㅈ도없다 라고 그렇게 얘기를 해도 말 귀를 못알아들으시고 그걸 또 맥이고 자빠지셨네요 ㅋㅋ
내가 뭐 좋게좋게 말하니깐 존나 만만해보이세요?
그타판까지 쳐 찾아와서 개 진상짓 하는거 되게 안타깝네요 ㅋㅋ
저~기 단배랜드씨한태 가셔서 모드 달라하세요~ 여기까지와서 코리아 스펠링틀린걸로 맥일려고 하지 마시고 ㅋ
@K_Seong_Hun perfection! Sadly R* won't fix this anytime soon. I prefer you repairing broken vehicles for now although I don't like to drive Canis vehicles. Thanks
@koeartrucksim 카페 탈퇴하든 말든 그쪽 알빠 아닐건데요 ㅋ 그냥 꺼지시길 바랄게요~
@Danbae Lan ㅈ까세요 ㅋㅋ 님한테 복 받고 싶진 않고 불법활동 열심히 해서 꼭 인생 ㅈ되시는 날이 오기를 바랄게요 ^"
I don't want to be blessed by you, but I hope that by working hard in illegal activities, the day will come when you will be successful in your life ^^
@koeartrucksim 그리고 미안하면 미안할짓을 쳐 하지마세요 ㅋㅋ 생각이란게 없습니까? 시뮬레이터 월드가 무슨 유로트럭만 하는 카펜줄아십니까? 님들같은 사람들이 판치는 유로트럭만 하는게 아닌 다른 시뮬레이터 게임들도 올리는 카페입니다 ㅋ 생각이란걸 좀 하시고 사시면 좋겠습니다?
@koeartrucksim 그리고 기다리는 사람들은 그쪽들밖에 없어요 ㅋㅋ 할말이 그리많으면 심월에서 직접 하세요 ㅋ 전세계 사람들 다 활동하는 Mods 사이트에서 나라망신꼴 내지말고 싸우기도 싫으니깐 ㅋ
@K_Seong_Hun Hey, did u already fix this: ''I also noticed that the "Terminus" decal on the side was made in an odd resolution (1892 x 1420)...'' (by 11john11)?