PedProp Limit Adjuster 1.0.3411.0
Changelog: Added support for Agents of Sabotage (1.0.3411.0)
The hats of yours are quite impressive, however, i understand you're looking to download
more for your collection, but this 2013 game engine imposes limitations in that part, necessitating the removal of other hats you have in your game, it sucks right?! Well not anymore!
Introduction: What this ASI does you may ask, it basically fixes the limit of ped props that characters use (Mostly MP Freemode) like hats, glasses and so on. And replace's the limit of 255 from R* RAGE hardcoded 8bit style to 32bits, which increases, as result, an grand total of 2,147,483,647 ped props!
Read more here as FiveM added this in their WIP build: (
This is a port to single player in form of ASI made by Zombieguy, who allowed me to post the fix.
Note: This adjuster was tested on the latest game build, and it will work at least the older version 2372.0v (Los Santos Tuners), below that i can't guarantee it will work, beware of crashes if you try.
Changes from rockstar devs that don't affect the ASI:
Installation: Drag and drop the ASI into the root folder of GTA V, you need the latest ASI loader and Script Hook V to work properly.
Credits: Zombieguy and FiveM team.
All rights reserved©
The hats of yours are quite impressive, however, i understand you're looking to download
more for your collection, but this 2013 game engine imposes limitations in that part, necessitating the removal of other hats you have in your game, it sucks right?! Well not anymore!
Introduction: What this ASI does you may ask, it basically fixes the limit of ped props that characters use (Mostly MP Freemode) like hats, glasses and so on. And replace's the limit of 255 from R* RAGE hardcoded 8bit style to 32bits, which increases, as result, an grand total of 2,147,483,647 ped props!
Read more here as FiveM added this in their WIP build: (
This is a port to single player in form of ASI made by Zombieguy, who allowed me to post the fix.
Note: This adjuster was tested on the latest game build, and it will work at least the older version 2372.0v (Los Santos Tuners), below that i can't guarantee it will work, beware of crashes if you try.
Changes from rockstar devs that don't affect the ASI:
Installation: Drag and drop the ASI into the root folder of GTA V, you need the latest ASI loader and Script Hook V to work properly.
Credits: Zombieguy and FiveM team.
All rights reserved©
First Uploaded: Sábado 6 de Abril de 2024
Last Updated: Luns 30 de Decembro de 2024
Last Downloaded: 12 minuto
Changelog: Added support for Agents of Sabotage (1.0.3411.0)
The hats of yours are quite impressive, however, i understand you're looking to download
more for your collection, but this 2013 game engine imposes limitations in that part, necessitating the removal of other hats you have in your game, it sucks right?! Well not anymore!
Introduction: What this ASI does you may ask, it basically fixes the limit of ped props that characters use (Mostly MP Freemode) like hats, glasses and so on. And replace's the limit of 255 from R* RAGE hardcoded 8bit style to 32bits, which increases, as result, an grand total of 2,147,483,647 ped props!
Read more here as FiveM added this in their WIP build: (
This is a port to single player in form of ASI made by Zombieguy, who allowed me to post the fix.
Note: This adjuster was tested on the latest game build, and it will work at least the older version 2372.0v (Los Santos Tuners), below that i can't guarantee it will work, beware of crashes if you try.
Changes from rockstar devs that don't affect the ASI:
Installation: Drag and drop the ASI into the root folder of GTA V, you need the latest ASI loader and Script Hook V to work properly.
Credits: Zombieguy and FiveM team.
All rights reserved©
The hats of yours are quite impressive, however, i understand you're looking to download
more for your collection, but this 2013 game engine imposes limitations in that part, necessitating the removal of other hats you have in your game, it sucks right?! Well not anymore!
Introduction: What this ASI does you may ask, it basically fixes the limit of ped props that characters use (Mostly MP Freemode) like hats, glasses and so on. And replace's the limit of 255 from R* RAGE hardcoded 8bit style to 32bits, which increases, as result, an grand total of 2,147,483,647 ped props!
Read more here as FiveM added this in their WIP build: (
This is a port to single player in form of ASI made by Zombieguy, who allowed me to post the fix.
Note: This adjuster was tested on the latest game build, and it will work at least the older version 2372.0v (Los Santos Tuners), below that i can't guarantee it will work, beware of crashes if you try.
Changes from rockstar devs that don't affect the ASI:
Installation: Drag and drop the ASI into the root folder of GTA V, you need the latest ASI loader and Script Hook V to work properly.
Credits: Zombieguy and FiveM team.
All rights reserved©
First Uploaded: Sábado 6 de Abril de 2024
Last Updated: Luns 30 de Decembro de 2024
Last Downloaded: 12 minuto
@Zombieguy @William Halverd Can you create the same for other types of clothing MP characters (jackets, pants, etc.)? I install military clothing as DLC (addons) and the game crashes, apparently due to the same restrictions. The only way to get rid of crashes is to delete addons for clothing, which I really don't want to delete! Gameconfig does not help.
Hello, friends!
I use version 33.51 single player and I don't want to update for fear of losing some mods and etc. I use MAP EDITOR in MOD ZOMBIES to put PROPS in XML files, if I use this MOD of yours can I add more PROPS in the map editor? Because it's very limited. Sorry for my English, I'm Brazilian.
@William Halverd as @JohnFromGWN asked
1) what exactly does this do for YMAPs?
2) you are missing a mandatory changelog in your description, please add it pronto, thank you
@ReNNie No description regarding ymaps were found, must be some mistake. And a description was added now. Edited some stuff
@ColomboCRVG Oi, essa modificao so e para corrigir um limite de quanto chapeus e oculos vc pode ter no seu personagem, nao tem nenhuma correcao no Map Editor
@Pehotinec_78 A fix by some members of CFX team are in the works to make other slots have the numbers as this ASI, but WIP is slow rn
@William Halverd thanks
@William Halverd
was curious and tried running this on 2189.0 (not-updated via emu) but game won't even start :)
@ReNNie Below 2372 the ASI will crash, props code changed since Cayo perico
@William Halverd 👌 don't see myself updating in 2025 tbh 😁
@ReNNie I'm Still on June dlc yet!
@WilliWhitey I have the same, help
@William Halverd , @ReNNie
My comment was based on the comment by @VILZUPLAYER1 which implies your mod not only allows for more props but also more ymaps...which obviously is "in your dreams". No substitute for RAM and VRAM.
@JohnFromGWN my comments about ymaps had nothing to do with this "ped prop limit adjuster" mod. I was just asking something else from this guy as i thought he could help me at the time. I solved the problem a long time ago and since then ive had no crashes related to extra map assets. If u want to know how to make ymaps work better use this site it can help u some...
@VILZUPLAYER1 I guess there was a misunderstanding when you wrote, on the mod page, " Now i can get wait for it..... 500000 ymap objects and about 80000 of them with working collisions/attachments without any memory errors OMG"
Because this was clearly on this page, a props mod, it implied that you could add unlimited ymaps. Even if it was designed for ymaps you can only push the game so far until it matter how many enabling modes, no matter how much VRAM and system RAM. It's much more complicated than that.
@JohnFromGWN ymaps are maps stuff, Zombie and mine here it's a ASI that mess into characters props that goes in their heads
@William Halverd Thanks I thought that ymaps were maps shaped like the letter "Y" and props meant respect.
Does this increase the amount of add-on hats I can add from eup packs or does it just prevent crashes to do with the ped prop limit?
@Mr787 yo bro if you ever find a fix please lmk, got alot of hats like 87 but with this only a good 15 show up
@stnmar @Mr787 It not only prevent crashes but increase to 2B the number of hats you can add into your game, could be EUP or any other dlcpack that added such