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  • 4d0018 201 2018941 russian badger thinking emoji png download thinking emoji

    If any of you are still using this for some reason and need a way to uninstall:
    Replace the following files with the original ones from unmodded game, or delete them if they're missing in original directories:

    Mércores 1 de Novembro de 2023
  • 4d0018 201 2018941 russian badger thinking emoji png download thinking emoji

    @Madcrow Yes, part 1 contains only textures, part 2 contains .xml config files that are needed for full "experience".

    Venres 23 de Outubro de 2020
  • 4d0018 201 2018941 russian badger thinking emoji png download thinking emoji

    @Leonardus You cannot see the wounds on the animals because of the fur they added in pc and ps4/xo version, the fur doesn't have any collision so the bullets goes through it and creates decals on the model which is under the fur.

    Martes 22 de Setembro de 2020
  • 4d0018 201 2018941 russian badger thinking emoji png download thinking emoji

    @imtoxic @Another_Random_Jack It's all in the description.
    Unpack the .oiv files from .rar then open OpenIV, then click Tools > Package Installer > open them separately and install.

    Xoves 2 de Xullo de 2020
  • 4d0018 201 2018941 russian badger thinking emoji png download thinking emoji

    @wyruzzah Pd_scars_bruise_damage in peddamagedecals, but thats not textures fault. I've made the bruise texture appear too big in peddamage.xml, next update will contain a fix.

    Domingo 28 de Xuño de 2020
  • 4d0018 201 2018941 russian badger thinking emoji png download thinking emoji

    @MattyReady You probably only shot the 3 stars pollice officers. Police officer's vests doesn't have any type of collision, so the bullet goes straight through it, thats why you can't see any bullet holes on it. On the other hand noose vests are part of full model, but there are some code lines that defines how the vest reacts to the bullets, for instance when you shoot the vest with low caliber weapon like pistol or smg there is a chance that there will appear a vest bullet hole, but when you shot it with sniper rifles bullet would and will go straight through the vest so there will appear normal bloody bullet hole with splatters etc.

    Domingo 28 de Xuño de 2020
  • 4d0018 201 2018941 russian badger thinking emoji png download thinking emoji

    @miketheratguy There are 2 .oiv packs in my mod (+ optionals) part 1 is decals and second one are config files for blood etc.
    If you would install it but decided to stop using it you would need to change decals in x64a.rpf >textures and update > update.rpf > x64 > textures, and config files in common.rpf > data > effects and peds, and in update > update.rpf > common > data > effects and peds
    Next update will contain uninstaller btw

    @vincemeister55 I didn't change bloodfx.dat for 2.3.3 its the same like in 2.3.2 (except optionals), i didn't change anything what is associated with player too, maybe its just your mind.

    Domingo 28 de Xuño de 2020
  • 4d0018 201 2018941 russian badger thinking emoji png download thinking emoji

    @jesus546 Unpack the .oiv files from .rar then open OpenIV, then click Tools > Package Installer > open them separately and install.

    Venres 26 de Xuño de 2020
  • 4d0018 201 2018941 russian badger thinking emoji png download thinking emoji

    @nieda113 Only Sniper rifle shots/exit wounds on the head show the big wound

    Luns 25 de Maio de 2020
  • 4d0018 201 2018941 russian badger thinking emoji png download thinking emoji

    @nieda113 Yes they are, you can use them with my mod without any problems.
    @coelumV2 I don't think so.

    Venres 22 de Maio de 2020