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    I've just opened a thread trying to get mine working. I have everything updated and see the mods loading into the directory on load up but no mods work at all. That's not all my controller doesn't work on my modded load up. Vanilla works fine though. Maybe the new ScriptHookV is faulty?

    Martes 5 de Setembro de 2017
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    Can someone help me please? I have the full legit Rockstar version, but when installing all ScriptHook files, no script mods are loading. Any idea?

    Domingo 21 de Maio de 2017
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    I'm confused! The MultiFive no longer works, no connection can be made to the server for required updates. And I don't understand how to load this with FiveReborn? Any help?

    Domingo 13 de Novembro de 2016
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    The menu won't upload for me :/

    Sábado 6 de Agosto de 2016
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    @RainBawZ Will Email you it now :)

    Luns 18 de Abril de 2016
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    Could someone tell me what the optional DLC is? What advantage is it?

    Domingo 17 de Abril de 2016
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    Doesn't appear to show on my menu :/ It has before when installing it.

    Domingo 17 de Abril de 2016
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    Not sure if anyone else has had this? But when enabling Enhanced Trainer, the game goes all glitchy, like having a black background in buildings. Characters randomly walking or even swimming off for during missions. Any ideas??

    Mércores 7 de Outubro de 2015
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    @WedgedWolf I do apologize, that was the Scriphook log. But I can't seem to find the Scripthook DotNet log despite the files loading. I will try other Scripthook DotNet mods shortly to see if they work!

    Luns 5 de Outubro de 2015
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    @WedgedWolf Your mod isn't working for mine either. Mod Manager recognizes it with config settings, version etc. It does load files into the GTA directory but doesn't show up on my log. But just in case copying it down for you.
    // GTA V SCRIPT HOOK (build Sep 29 2015, v1.0.463.1)
    // (C) Alexander Blade 2015
    [23:17:52] INIT: Started
    [23:17:52] INIT: Success, game version is VER_1_0_463_1_NOSTEAM
    [23:17:52] INIT: Registering script 'EnhancedNativeTrainer.asi' (0x00007FFC6F232750)
    [23:17:58] INIT: Pool 1 extended
    [23:17:58] INIT: Pool 2 extended
    [23:17:58] INIT: Pool 3 extended
    [23:18:04] INIT: GtaThread collection size 172
    [23:18:04] INIT: wnd proc 0x00000000FFFF0CCC
    [23:18:04] INIT: IDXGISwapChain 0x00007FFC9D67EF40 (0x00007FFC9D631DA0)
    [23:18:04] INIT: IDXGISwapChain set
    [23:18:04] INIT: DX init started
    [23:18:04] INIT: DX feature level B000
    [23:18:04] INIT: DX init succeeded
    [23:18:42] CORE: Requesting thread creation
    [23:18:42] CORE: Creating threads
    [23:18:42] CORE: Started control thread, id 26 active 1
    [23:18:42] CORE: Started thread 'EnhancedNativeTrainer.asi' (0x00007FFC6F232750), id 27 active 1
    [23:18:42] CORE: Launching main() for 'EnhancedNativeTrainer.asi' (0x00007FFC6F232750), id 27

    Domingo 4 de Outubro de 2015