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    This mod is great by itself, but unfortunately breaks the Mamba car. What I mean is that the Mamba is spawnable, but when you try to enter it, the game crashes. Notices your Vigero GT shares some properties with this car f.e. in vehicles meta. Can it be fixed?

    Xoves 11 de Abril de 2024
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    Damn, that's just so good! Maybe now you can try to do the same with Wagner Mk. II, which could look like Valhalla or Valkyrie production models! The interior of original Wagner just doesn't work for me, and I can't be the only one.

    Luns 25 de Marzo de 2024
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    Hi there, was contacting to you through in swapped Panto mod page. You told you're open for suggestions, so here are some you may consider in the future. Great take on this build.

    Vapid Imperator with roof ducktail and without louvers to make better Mad Max build.

    Astron Widebody for those who don't have consoles. (doesn't have to be exactly the same, you can make your own take on this one)

    8-Wagen, basically faster I-Wagen with V8.

    Vapid Dominator (original) with widebody or Eleanor like-kit. There's an older mod on the site, but doesn't look too good. Make if you could also incorporate a widebody similar to this one also, that would look so f*ckin cool. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=224fa05bca59979e&sxsrf=ACQVn0-OWcK4nXYDQfVKGxDkZNKS104oPg:1709897630262&q=knight+rider+mustang&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQluqGyeSEAxUASvEDHVfaBCQQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=1536&bih=778&dpr=1.25#imgrc=4XW1ZTd1dcEXpM

    La Coureouse stock petrol variant

    Eudora 2-door with roof, someone made a cabrio mod of this one, and I wish for it to be 2-door with roof too.

    Sm722 with roof and smaller changes to overall shape, exhaust placement and suspension height to make a proper lore friendly Mclaren SLR, Aziz Kuchkarov made a Schnell Progen long time ago, but I think it looks a bit outdated, especially when SM722 has such a good interior.

    Venres 8 de Marzo de 2024
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    @Silentm503 fantastic information. Just one question. I'm not much in the topic, but if someone gives you a request, do you prefer it to be one per individual user, so other users would have their chance to give their own requests or is it ok to provide any further ones if idea is there?

    Luns 4 de Marzo de 2024
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    Hi, great mod. If you're focused on vanilla edits, could you to try to replicate Vapid Ellie with two headlights on the bottom part of the bumper, instead in the grill and better concealed side exhaust to make it look much closer to original Shelby Eleanor? I was never satisfied with the limitations of the original Ellie. I don't mean to be pushy at all, but I'd be more than happy to see an improved variant.

    Luns 4 de Marzo de 2024
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    Hello, very cool mod. Sorry to bother you, but how are you into giving some liveries in future updates for this, previous and following lore-friendly truck mods. It always bothered me we don't have any liveries for vanilla trucks and as far as I can see, the red variant (on the main photo) would suit pretty well for TF4 Optimus livery, you can take a look here: https://www.google.com/search?q=tf4+optimus+truck&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjD34CLxr-EAxWFvf0HHa83AckQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=tf4+optimus+truck&gs_lp=EgNpbWciEXRmNCBvcHRpbXVzIHRydWNrMgYQABgIGB5IikNQnDxY0EFwAHgAkAEAmAGhAaAB6QaqAQMwLje4AQPIAQD4AQGKAgtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ICBBAjGCfCAgcQABiABBgTwgIIEAAYCBgeGBOIBgE&sclient=img&ei=c47XZYPaF4X79u8Pr--EyAw&client=firefox-b-d#imgrc=HGcASaF9V7nr6M

    Xoves 22 de Febreiro de 2024
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    @MrTaser Here's an old mod from Aziz Kuchkarov - Vapid Dominator Gt (no, it doesn't collide with new cabrio one). Found it on Gta Inside.com and it has Razor Mustang's parts, so feel free to add it to your game - https://www.gtainside.com/en/gta5/cars/115992-vapid-dominator-gt-add-on-tuning-template-replace

    Mércores 7 de Febreiro de 2024
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    Here's a small warning for everyone using this mod. When this mod is installed, the original vanilla Dominator has a hollow white interior bug. To fix this problem, in vehicles.meta, simply change the phrase in interior section right on the bottom line from "Dominator" to "domgt". Then everything is perfect.

    Xoves 1 de Febreiro de 2024
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    @LOWKEYGANG4LHUNCHO Yeah and I don't know if it's just me and if it's the issue of this particular mod at all, but when I've customized tornado custom by giving another roof material and color, when I make this car persistent, save the game and launch it again, the roof material is randomized for Tornado, unless it's stored in one of player's default garage. I also have Modkit Limit Extender, because I have lots of add-on cars. Maybe that's the issue.

    Venres 26 de Xaneiro de 2024
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    Wish this one got a carbon roof and hood option with closer resemblance to proper Shelby Gt500 2020 (with those black vents right in the middle). Overall the mod is fantastic, but liveries and tuning options mentioned in here would make that mod PER f*ckin FECT. Still appreciate you're another person which shows Rockstar, that great things can be done if one does want to. Thank you and waiting for further updates!

    Mércores 24 de Xaneiro de 2024