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  • 2b1f5a изображение 2023 12 12 215038922

    -Джонни, снимай штаны.
    -Тревор, но я не хочу!
    -Ну, не хочешь, как хочешь.
    Теперь в твоей голове четыре или пять осколков от бутылки pißwasser. Может, они захотят.

    Тихий Тревор

    Venres 14 de Febreiro de 2025
  • 2b1f5a изображение 2023 12 12 215038922

    @Ordoe Pretty late to the party. Mission Maker requires NativeUI.

    Mércores 31 de Maio de 2023
  • 2b1f5a изображение 2023 12 12 215038922

    @TheGodzilla use Menyoo

    Luns 17 de Outubro de 2022
  • 2b1f5a изображение 2023 12 12 215038922

    @biggiebiggiebiggie They do work. But i don't know what you mean by "mod cars". Mission maker automatically spawn upgraded cars, which sadly, you can't change it.

    Mércores 14 de Setembro de 2022
  • 2b1f5a изображение 2023 12 12 215038922

    Manual music event input would be a welcomed feature.

    Martes 23 de Agosto de 2022
  • 2b1f5a изображение 2023 12 12 215038922

    @func_npc Sure. Contact me on discord SWOD#3201

    Domingo 14 de Agosto de 2022
  • 2b1f5a изображение 2023 12 12 215038922

    The thing is, everything you do in mission maker, can be easily changed in objectives.txt like models, props, weapons, vehicle and even music.

    For example, if i want to mission maker to play music when a fighting starts, then i'll set an objective for it, preferably after the checkpoint.

    Then i would edit objectives.txt and change default music to TUNER_GUNFIGHT_STA. (Music event from tuners DLC) Finding those events are easy.

    For me, using the Score controller breaks the immersion, because i have to change the intensities manually when something is happening. I'm using debug build of Scores controller to input custom music events. It's better, exactly what i want and exactly how it needs to be, with correct stems and so on.

    But it's your choice. I'm just saying what can be done in a flexible way. Good missions tho.

    Sábado 13 de Agosto de 2022
  • 2b1f5a изображение 2023 12 12 215038922

    You can set your own score in the missions by using "Mission Settings & Objectives"
    Score controller is pretty limited.

    Venres 12 de Agosto de 2022
  • 2b1f5a изображение 2023 12 12 215038922

    @markyymark13 make a custom squad with mp_m_freemode_01 models and apply your outfits to them.

    Mércores 3 de Marzo de 2021
  • 2b1f5a изображение 2023 12 12 215038922

    @gtaguyalso And as you said, bodyguards shoot zombies and they will, even if they use R* bodyguard system or not. So there is no difference.

    Martes 2 de Marzo de 2021