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    The mod make the game stutter even though my cpu and gpu usage is low.
    Can you tell me how to fix it?
    I can run the game at 120+ fps but after install the mod it stay around 40 - 50fps.
    When i'm not install the mod my gpu usage is around 70 - 80%.
    But after install the mod, my gpu usage is around 40 - 50%.
    Make the game stuck at 40 -50 fps.
    My cpu usage stay the same, around 30 - 40%.
    So is there anyway to fix it?
    I have an ssd and 16gb of ram and my pc has 6gb of vram.

    Luns 20 de Setembro de 2021
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    The mod don't use cpu or gpu, so the performance tank significantly. How can i fix it?

    Domingo 19 de Setembro de 2021
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    Somehow your mods don't use cpu and gpu, make the game very stutter if the user install multiple mods (casino, cayo, doomday,...)

    Domingo 19 de Setembro de 2021