2013 Chevrolet Tahoe LAPD [Unlocked | Template | 4K] 1.0
Based off the Real thing. Skin by AuthourSaulAlan, and unlocked as always. HQ interior. Has the Arjent by Lundy this time so I can release it unlocked. Model source is unknown, with a convert to V by OfficerUnderwood, and Window specks fix & 4K textures DevinKan/Matrix Customs. Police Edit also DevinKan/Matrix Customs. If you edit this, leave all the credits or else I'll report you.
Matrix Customs Website, DevinKan Personal Website
Matrix Customs Website, DevinKan Personal Website
First Uploaded: Xoves 11 de Agosto de 2016
Last Updated: Venres 12 de Agosto de 2016
Last Downloaded: 7 horas
Based off the Real thing. Skin by AuthourSaulAlan, and unlocked as always. HQ interior. Has the Arjent by Lundy this time so I can release it unlocked. Model source is unknown, with a convert to V by OfficerUnderwood, and Window specks fix & 4K textures DevinKan/Matrix Customs. Police Edit also DevinKan/Matrix Customs. If you edit this, leave all the credits or else I'll report you.
Matrix Customs Website, DevinKan Personal Website
Matrix Customs Website, DevinKan Personal Website
First Uploaded: Xoves 11 de Agosto de 2016
Last Updated: Venres 12 de Agosto de 2016
Last Downloaded: 7 horas
I wish this was accurate, it would be great to finally have an accurate Tahoe for the LAPD fans out there. A bit more work and it could've been great!
I agree, if it had the correct center console, Duel spotlights and no grille lights it would be perfect, maybe for the next update?
awesome dude, we need this unmarked for FBI2 replace
@PantherP71 @HankVoight I'm looking for spotlights, I'll probably go for the one by BlackJesus. It'll definitely be improved in terms of realism next update. @schnurboy
@DevinKan Glad to hear it, I really look forward to seeing it after the future update. is an LASD version possible at all? It's a simple addition of a TA on the back (photo link https://www.google.com.au/search?q=LASD+tahoe&biw=1745&bih=868&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwje0-vj57vOAhVBjpQKHXjVBbkQ_AUIBigB#imgrc=7k9izYIiuCW3hM%3A )
@HankVoight I'll th;ink about a LASD version. thing is, there are no unlocked traffic advisors to convert. Might have to model one myself.
@schnurboy This is a unmarked tahoe which replaces FBI2 slot. https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/2008-chevrolet-tahoe-unmarked-slicktop
@HankVoight I can probably finish this up
@Dragust thx, will try it, i already just found crap in the internet for replace :D something is wrong EVERYTIME
@AuthorSaulAlan Thanks!
So inaccurate, wrong partition, bad placement of partition and gunrack, vanilla lights? Wtf, no spotlights,
looks like theres no console or computer, no rear lights????
ELS or Non-ELS?
where do we throw the files