Hey! I was curious if i could have a unlocked version of this for a replica norwegian EMS Ambulance Vehicle, this excact car model is used by a emergency doctor car in my city and i would love to remake it for a mod!
Can you send me the unlocked file to make a dutch fire department vehicle, All credit goes to you and if you want you can upload it on your account, My email is larswasserman2@gmail.com, Thanks in advance
Fala CristopherIgor. Sou Roque, moro em Petrópolis. Cara jogo gta mods, mas só agora tive o interesse de saber como vocês fazem. Tem como você me dar uma dica. Gostaria de saber se você também aceita encomenda. Tipo preciso de uma skin de ônibus de time de futebol
Vlw, mano.
Replacing the Cavalcade just doesn't make sense for this. I replaced the Seminole, and just changed its "vecCentreOfMassOffset" setting in Handling.meta to -0.3. That stopped it from flipping over.
@ReRock@CristopherIgor@ReRock@drewseedot I think the Cavalcade is a fine candidate for replacement. The Seminole is very clearly a Jeep Cherokee, which has a totally different body shape. You can always change it as desired. Cavalcade2 is clearly the more luxurious and obvious replacement for an Escalade. Pathfinders aren't exactly cheap, either, they border on luxury vehicles. It's a good fit. Change it if you like.
To the author: The fake chrome on the wheels doesn't work properly when they are rotating. It flashes wildly. Can you update it with a dull metallic paint finish like most OEM vehicles have? I found the shiny faux-chrome way too distracting to use this model. But there are no other good Pathfinders available. Very nice model otherwise
@lufusol@CristopherIgor is there any possible way to change the default rims to some other
cuz its really distracting me and also the tail lights appear pink for some reason
Domingo 18 de Agosto de 2024
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8.279 downloads , 10 MB Sábado 29 de Xullo de 2017
& Edição By Igor Cristopher
Carlos PC GaMeR <<<<Prints
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Autor: SHDru , ArminX
Gta Sa para Gta V
Conversão & Edição By Igor Cristopher
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.........Peço educação, respeite o trabalho dos outros........
Hi was wondering if it would be possible to get an unlocked version to create an ambulance and police version? if not thats fine
@MultiGamingUK Sim, posso te passar sem problema algum
Thanks <3
@MultiGamingUK Skype!
@CristopherIgor hi my skype is linked to this account itsmultigaming@gmail.com
@CristopherIgor Could I have it unlocked to make a police vehicle aswell please? Thanks
Hey! I was curious if i could have a unlocked version of this for a replica norwegian EMS Ambulance Vehicle, this excact car model is used by a emergency doctor car in my city and i would love to remake it for a mod!
@CristopherIgor Posso desbloqueado para fazer um veículo policial também? Obrigado
Is the any chance that you can make a 2004 Nissan Xterra SE?
Can you send me the unlocked file to make a dutch fire department vehicle, All credit goes to you and if you want you can upload it on your account, My email is larswasserman2@gmail.com, Thanks in advance
Fala CristopherIgor. Sou Roque, moro em Petrópolis. Cara jogo gta mods, mas só agora tive o interesse de saber como vocês fazem. Tem como você me dar uma dica. Gostaria de saber se você também aceita encomenda. Tipo preciso de uma skin de ônibus de time de futebol
Vlw, mano.
vc é foda mano...conheço varias pessoa q aprendeu a editar ctg...poderia me ajudar na minha caminhada de conversao?
@CristopherIgor Possible to get template files for this :)?
How can i contact you CristopherIgor ?
@NickvZelm direct
@CristopherIgor I have send you a private message on gta5mods. Do you have see him?
@CristopherIgor Is it possible to get your vehicle unlocked?
Replacing the Cavalcade just doesn't make sense for this. I replaced the Seminole, and just changed its "vecCentreOfMassOffset" setting in Handling.meta to -0.3. That stopped it from flipping over.
@ReRock @CristopherIgor @ReRock @drewseedot I think the Cavalcade is a fine candidate for replacement. The Seminole is very clearly a Jeep Cherokee, which has a totally different body shape. You can always change it as desired. Cavalcade2 is clearly the more luxurious and obvious replacement for an Escalade. Pathfinders aren't exactly cheap, either, they border on luxury vehicles. It's a good fit. Change it if you like.
To the author: The fake chrome on the wheels doesn't work properly when they are rotating. It flashes wildly. Can you update it with a dull metallic paint finish like most OEM vehicles have? I found the shiny faux-chrome way too distracting to use this model. But there are no other good Pathfinders available. Very nice model otherwise
@lufusol @CristopherIgor is there any possible way to change the default rims to some other
cuz its really distracting me and also the tail lights appear pink for some reason