
New Street Phone Missions V4.52



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New Street Phone Missions V4.52

This mod re-creates the street phones mission system of older gta versions paying homage to Gta 1 and Gta 2. There are large variety of mission types set over the map of Los Santos and also includes 'Cayo Perico', and the option to add misions to areas west of churmash and east of Tatavlam mountain range.

The mission list


    -- It's trucking with vast variety of trucks, trailers and destinations.

    Getaway Driver

    -- Getaway driving, pick any 4 or more seats land vehicle.
    -- Make a hasty retreat from the pursuing cops.


    -- It's not a fetch quest... Just delivering objects to locations...
    -- Timed delivery with a bonus for completing all delivery's.
    -- Each area has it's own variation.
    -- Hundreds of locations.


    -- Pick up the prisoners take them back to Bolingbroke.
    -- Or not...


    -- It's not a taxi service... Pick up people take them to a destination...
    -- Soo many locations.


    Location 1:Red Nut Air Race

    -- Fly a stunt plane in 'The Red Nut Air Race'.

    Location 2:Pegasus

    -- Fly high with the CEO's of Los Santos.

    Location 3:Brrrrrrrrt

    -- Borrow a Brrrrrrt.

    Location 4:Import Export

    -- Greef an Import/Exporter.

    Location 5:Crop Dusting

    -- Crop spraying. Spray harmless death toxins on farms.

    Location 6:Heil Tours

    -- Fly some tourists to locations around paleto and beyond.


    -- Drive an ambulance.. Fast.
    -- Various illnesses, including outbreaks.
    -- Home visits and workplace illnesses.


    -- Follow a random suspect in a random car to a random location with random endings.
    -- Don't llet them out of your sight.


    -- Put out fires and save cats. Just normal fire fighter stuff.
    -- Now with in house and carovan fires to fight.


    -- Be johnny deliver player cars, then run away before the player shoots at you.
    -- Collect form the choice of garrages and clubhouses.


    -- Land Sea and Air Races.
    -- Traffic removal.
    -- Choice of upto 10 laps for Non-Point to point races.
    -- Gta online style race and lap counter.
    -- Improved Racing Ai opponents.
    -- Weather options including Snow.
    -- Non-Contact Racing.
    -- Added some online race maps.

    Explosive Device

    -- Find a hidden bomb before it explodes.


    -- Assassinate without being spotted or leaving Dead bodies in view.
    -- The 'target' must be stealth killed with a melee weapon only.
    -- Guards and target have view cones if they see you they will be alerted.
    -- Guards hold position or walk patrols.
    -- Guards are alerted by near by gun fire (i.e don't miss)and other dead guards.
    -- Alert system that warns you if your about to trigger a guard.
    -- Two seconds to take down a guard before they are alerted.


    -- You have just one shot to kill the target.
    -- Includes prone option.
    -- Bullet time effect.

    Gruppe 6

    -- Cash deliverys. Not a safe career choice in los santos.
    -- Multiple possible outcomes.


    Location 1:Argey Bargey

    -- Tow a barge out to sea.
    -- Defend the barge from attacking mobs.

    Location 2:Piracy

    -- Fight for the yacht
    -- Purchase a working yacht with fast travel, wardrobe, bar, jacuzzi and more..

    Location 3:Phishing

    -- Travel down Tongava River finding phishing signals.
    -- Requires good boat control.

    Location 4:Litter Bugs

    -- Collect litter from Los Santos Flood Drain.
    -- 50 items to collect with a timer.

    Location 5:Boat Yard

    -- Deliver a choice of boats to one of many locations.
    -- Now cargobob compatible.

    Location 6:Bogdam

    -- It's bogdan.. without that long cut scene at the end. So no going off to make a cup of tea, then returning to pull out the ethernet cable!!

    Important Exports

    -- Find cars and load them on to a barge.
    -- Access the found cars anytime via the phone contact.

    Debt Collect

    -- Collect debts from the residents of Los Santos.
    -- Includes Clubhouses and garrages.

    MC Business

    -- Help rockstart make biker businesses more trouble than they are worth!!.

    Bay Lift

    -- How warehouses/bunkers where supposed to work...


    -- Give the sharks of Los Santos a present they wont forget!!


    -- Boss need his payment take a bat and break stuff till he gets payed.


    -- Leave a little surprise for a Los santos resident
    -- Drive carefully or you might get that surprise...


    -- Carball.
    Otherwise known as carsoccer.

    -- Nightclub.
    Serve drinks to the rowdy clubbers.

    -- Dupe Hangar.
    Rockstar wants you to deal with a prolific duper.

    -- Diamond Valet.
    Park cars for the patrons of 'Diamond Resort and Casino'.

    -- Facility Bmx.
    Hark back to the good old days of riding around your facility on a bmx.

    -- Lab Assistant.
    Help an evil genius with the day to day running of a secret underground layer.

    Free Fall

    -- Its nothing like pubg.. It's a parachute to target and hold that ground till mission end with limited resources and shrinking battle zone.


    -- Strap that oversized cool bag to your back and deliver that smelly food (Provide your own transport).


    -- Eradicate the vermin of Los Santos.

    Cayo Perico

    -- Packages.
    Deliver the all important bolt cutters.

    -- Follow.
    Follow sneeky partiers on foot, don't get spotted by them.

    -- Racist.
    Race around on Cayo Perico.

    -- Explosive Device.
    More IEDs to disarm.

    -- Assassination
    Five more assassination missions to beat.

    Five more snipper missions to beat.

    -- Thief.
    Gun down that thief making off with El Rubio's loot.

    -- Sharks.
    Swim with the fishes in Cayo Perico.

    -- FreeFall.
    Falling from a great height for.. reasons...



To access Cayo Perico you can use Random Start, or Simple-Trainer. Due to a bug that blocks all traffic from spawning this mod is not compatible with 'Flight to Cayo Perico'.

You can add your custom vehicles to the vehicle pool these are added using the NSPMSettings.exe, the vehicles are added to class lists, a vehicle can occupy multiple lists if so desired.

Contacts.dll contains the data for the personal yacht and the ifruitphone options.
These include;

Set missions, check achivements, set a range of ingame options.

-mobile banking;
Keep track of your mission earnings, transfer to GTA$ and buy index funds.

-Mk2 weapon sales;
Buy Mk2 weapons with your NSCoins.

-Pegasus travel
Delivering your Custom vehicles to you, can be expanded to the whole pegasus fleet through its associated missions.

Added Via Completion of associated missions;

It a ride share app not a taxi...totaly diffrent.

-Import Export
Vehicles you have delivered get add to this list.

Medical attention on the go.

-Police Bribes
If your a three star criminal they can help you out...

The Language folder contains various languages that are represent of the avalable languages in the natives, Your language will be automatically set via the in game language setting, you can manually change via NSPMsettings.exe'.

0) = Default-AutoSelect;
1) = English;
2) = Chinese;
3) = ChineseSimplified;
4) = French;
5) = German;
6) = Italian;
7) = Japanese;
8) = Korean;
9) = Mexican;(it's spanish)
10) = Polish;
11) = Portuguese;
12) = Russian;
13) = Spanish;
Mission Builder

Has been removed due to the time required to fix all the changes made to all the mission, however there is a limited mission building option for Trucking, Racist, Explosive Device and Sharks. This is via Menyoo Spoon Convert V2


Place the scripts folder in the zip file in your 'Grand Theft Auto V' folder.

Required Files
--Always check these are up-to-date as they do change.--
NSPMSettings.exe is no longer supported as the setting is in .ini format now editing can be done in-game from any street phone or mobile.
All the free DLC's installed...
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019
Script Hook V
Community Script Hook V .NET v2 scripthookvdotnet-nightly

This mod uses all the vehicles available, these require an up-to-date trainer so they don't de-spawn.
Any of these will work.
Add-On Vehicle Spawner

Known Bugs and Compatibility Issues

- not compatible with 'Flight to Cayo Perico'.
- some translations missing on menus.
- due to character length some translations are missing characters/ whole words.
- 'Redux 1.10 graphics' replaces the collision box with a boost thing on all stunt props so be careful when driving up the ramps.
Future updates
-- This mod still relies on ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll, i would like to fix this by converting the project to Asi however this would take a long time and free time is something i dont have a lot of so this is still a maby project.
Change Log
Version 4.52

--Fixed prison gate not opening for convicts.
--Fixed sub blocking ramp in import-export.
--Fixed slow to find export vehicle in import-export.
--Added targets for your player zero charicters to fight.
--Fixed broken outfit system on the yacht wardrobe now can add remove outfits from the shared outfit folder.
--Added option to remove phone contacts.
--Added more to auto-remove vehicles from target zones.
--Removed HighEnd Appartments from Interior Lists as there load system is unstable do still include stilt houses and other online map locations.
--Fixed all missions to be avalable with online maps disabled (yacht ownership is still disabled).

Version 4.51

--Fixed broken Mores Mute mission.

Version 4.5

--Fixes to most missions to make compatable with the latest gtav.exe update.
--Added a new dependent file to replace ifruitphone, snow_v, and handle offline maps.
--Fix for bank robber peds being traped in bank.
--Fix for assasin in combat with guards without being alerted.
--Moved the location of Securty Van in area 2 for Gruppe 6.

Version 4.42

--Added Last radio station to settings.ini for the yacht radio.
--Fixed CTD on bunker interior load.
--Fix FreeMale outfits not being applyed correctly.
Version 4.41

--Fix to the folder check bug.

Version 4.4

--Made the outfit change for Ambulance, LSFD, Group6 and Bbomb optional set to on default.
--Changed the settings from xml to ini for better error checking.
--Fixed compatability issues with PlayerZero++ and RandomStart++.
--Moved the saved outfits to ini, with auto conversion for any of your saved outfits in 'Wardrobe' folder.
--Can now save outfits too 'Outfits' folder which is used by PlayerZero++ and RandomStart++.
--Moved some of the subs statring points to be closer to there destinations in sharks.
--Moved the snow generation to a seperate asi for compatablitity with older game versions.
--Fixed the door opening script on fubar and re-added the warp to vehicle on multiple horn blasts.
--Added a destination to all the vehicles with drivers in so no more chasing vehicles twice round the map.

Version 4.3

--Fixed the snow issue.
--Updated Vehicle lists.

Version 4.2

--Added yacht evacuation for when the party gets out of hand.
--Added a radio select to the party Dj.
--Random start savepeds now spawn in the yacht party(this time they do).
--Fixed mmissing freeped outfits for random freepeds.
--Fixed broken achievements for thief and cargo collect now all achievements are achievable.

Version 4.1

--Fixed outfit saving for missions that change outfits.
--Added random start compatibility.
--Random start savepeds now spawn in the yacht party.

Version 4

--Rewrite of main file into individual mission classes.
--Addition of challenges and Achivements.
--Clean up Folders so no lose files in the NSPM folder.
--Log file now optional (default off).
--Massive overhall of racing system.
--Massive overhall location system.
--Massive overhall internal spaces including them on more missions.
--Added enemy aim to settings.
--Combined Yacht and Contacts into just Contacts.
--Fixed vehicles missing from forced restart lists.
--Removed alot of repetition in the scripts.
--And more...


--Rockstar Games
--Alexander Blade
--I'm Not MentaL
--Anyone else may have missed.

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First Uploaded: Venres 23 de Agosto de 2019
Last Updated: Martes 24 de Decembro de 2024
Last Downloaded: 2 horas

All Versions

 V4.52 (current)

3.245 downloads , 20 MB
Martes 24 de Decembro de 2024


2.303 downloads , 20 MB
Sábado 19 de Outubro de 2024


243 downloads , 20 MB
Venres 18 de Outubro de 2024