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  • 31d054 earth blue stars light 4k wallpaper 1920x1080

    Double check your mods.

    Sábado 27 de Xullo de 2019
  • 31d054 earth blue stars light 4k wallpaper 1920x1080

    @SkylineGTRFreak Thank you for update. I am confirming that the model will crash when spawned in-game, in case people would not know (hopefully they'll see the comments lol). We really appreciate your hard work and the mods you make. :)

    Xoves 8 de Novembro de 2018
  • 31d054 earth blue stars light 4k wallpaper 1920x1080

    @goal1664 I have recently just tested it out by deleting both AH-1Z Viper and AH-64D model + texture files in Panico's Warpack 3.0, then putting the updated ones inside (replace should also work, but I deleted the files to be safe). And it seems to be working as I spawned both models in-game. Weapons work and no crashes. In fact, you don't have to change metas or anything. You can just install the model files. If you need to know how, I will try to help out. Or someone else will.

    Martes 6 de Novembro de 2018
  • 31d054 earth blue stars light 4k wallpaper 1920x1080

    @EDGeNA I tested Panico's Warpack 3.0 some days ago by spawning ALL vehicles/aircraft around LSIA with Addon Car Spawner 2.2.4 (by I'm Not MentaL) and I can confirm when trying to spawn the 3 models the game would crash. I tested to make sure no other model would crash. You can thank me later, but it's nothing! All huge respect and credits goes to both Panico and SkylineGTRFreak for pack and exciting models.

    1) AH-1Z Viper
    2) AH-64D Longbow Apache,
    3) F-15E Strike Eagle

    @SkylineGTRFreak Thank you for updating the 2 attack helicopters! :)

    Martes 6 de Novembro de 2018
  • 31d054 earth blue stars light 4k wallpaper 1920x1080

    Thank you so much for providing the update!

    Rockstar Games can utterly **** off with GTA Online updates.

    Mércores 24 de Outubro de 2018
  • 31d054 earth blue stars light 4k wallpaper 1920x1080

    Thank you so much, Alexander! Your hard work is truly appreciated and you are doing a flawless job on updating the script. Rockstar cannot beat you and it is always worth it to wait for a new scripthook update! :)

    Sábado 28 de Xullo de 2018
  • 31d054 earth blue stars light 4k wallpaper 1920x1080

    @Jitnaught I posted that comment prior to the updated description which I don't know when was. There is no such thing as unfair or fair ratings. It is the same as everywhere else, there will always be likes/dislikes. I rated this at the lowest star because of the lack of description and mod explanation details. I never said I disliked the mod. The rating was purely directed towards the poor description earlier. I will not give it any stars as I have currently no plans to use this mod.

    @Thenecromance Thank you for updating the description.

    Martes 26 de Xuño de 2018
  • 31d054 earth blue stars light 4k wallpaper 1920x1080

    @Cyron43 If we could vote comments here, I'd definitely give you all the stars.

    @Thenecromance you as a modder should describe what your mod does. You can't expect people to just download and know and just get away with it. Please update the description and explain what the mod does!

    Another completely annoying thing is a guy who uploaded a helicopter mod, but to get the ''yft'' files you have to register information on his website. It was absolutely ridiculous! Please don't make this community look bad when it's better.

    Mércores 20 de Xuño de 2018
  • 31d054 earth blue stars light 4k wallpaper 1920x1080

    @JAM102970 Thank you so much for your amazing solution. I followed your instructions, but in my case I had more addons which uses custom weapons. I removed those extra addons which used custom weapons and the game now starts normally.

    For anyone crashing after JAM102970's instructions, see if you can find anything conflicting inside that the game does not want to accept. Anything from custom weapons to outdated scripts or anything like that.

    Peace and good luck!

    Venres 6 de Abril de 2018