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  • Aca7a7 airplane icon152

    @ReNNie Don't you get the UI menu when pressing Ctrl+P? Shift+P should show the notifications as seen.

    @Hunk That's an interesting issue. I'm glad you got it to work.

    Venres 12 de Xaneiro de 2018
  • Aca7a7 airplane icon152

    @ReNNie I recommend making HUD changes from the UI, Ctrl+F11. Although using .ini should work too.

    @Hunk Have you tried changing speed limit from the UI when e.g. on highway, does the limit not change? Does having the streets.xml file in the scripts folder have any effect?

    Xoves 11 de Xaneiro de 2018
  • Aca7a7 airplane icon152

    @Slash_Alex It is strange indeed. I really have no idea why it wouldn't work if the script loads fine.

    @goudiao123 In the .ini file settings section there is unit, change it from mph to kmh.
    Sorry, I can't understand the second question.

    Venres 15 de Decembro de 2017
  • Aca7a7 airplane icon152

    @Royal Ares I don't see any reason why trainer would interfere with the script.

    Please guys, check the ScriptHookVDotNet.log file to see if there was any issues with loading of the script. If the cops don't react most likely the script didn't load or crashed.

    Venres 8 de Decembro de 2017
  • Aca7a7 airplane icon152

    @xUKxSKiLLz10 Seems like the script doesn't load properly. Anything in the ScriptHookVDotNet.log file?

    Xoves 7 de Decembro de 2017
  • Aca7a7 airplane icon152

    @SLY95ZER What does the ScriptHookVDotNet.log file say?

    @bhad19 Do you have NativeUI installed?

    Xoves 7 de Decembro de 2017
  • Aca7a7 airplane icon152

    - The "Cop:" part is actually quite useless since there's no one else talking
    - Can't really change the font. There's other way to show text and is customizable but it requires more work.
    -Can't really think of anything meaningful to add. Maybe I'll do some sort of ID check at some point. Also I don't want the pull overs to become tedious.
    -It's hard to make the AI to drive properly. At times you have to help them, just drive forward a bit and they will come behind you.

    Venres 1 de Decembro de 2017
  • Aca7a7 airplane icon152

    @romtrep Good observation, thanks.

    Xoves 30 de Novembro de 2017
  • Aca7a7 airplane icon152

    @dagoob Haha. I assume it has happened only once?

    Domingo 19 de Novembro de 2017
  • Aca7a7 airplane icon152

    @Hunk Most likely due to loads of cops by the police station. The cop searching is quite intense right now, I'll be making it more reasonable.

    Mércores 8 de Novembro de 2017