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  • Chop2

    @Jazlyn13 Pretty Character Model. Can you point me please in the direction of an Tutorial or something similar how to make my own Character for SP? I have zero knownledge about it, never played online, but interested in creating a nice Character body like yours. Your work is really good what I see from your other mods. ;-)

    Venres 24 de Febreiro de 2023
  • Chop2

    @ON3FLY3R This looks just awesome. I discovered all your released maps here on the website after having a 3 month break from GTA V and now I can´t wait to burn some asphalt into my tires. Top class quality even around the maps like grass, woods, feels more lively to drive in GTA V than ever. I never used fiveM or similar servers but I guess the Players have much fun with your works.

    Xoves 5 de Xaneiro de 2023
  • Chop2

    @Russkiy Zakonnik Haha, no I didn´t meant difference from your new release to your previous one. I mean can I benefit from your new work and improvements while using NVE from January and not the Version from May. I hope I make my request clearer now. But you already answered. Thanks, will try your Preset later.

    Sábado 7 de Maio de 2022
  • Chop2

    Hi Mate, I don´t own the May Update of NVE. I still use the February/January Version of NVE. Is it recommend than to use your v.3.0 or should I use previous v.2.9? Did it make any difference?

    Sábado 7 de Maio de 2022
  • Chop2

    @JoeCWilson017 Man, that looks really amazing. All that work you put in it. I really like the Uniforms and Vests. And the variation with all those agencies. Could be the time is coming for my first LSPDFR game. So this a modification for LSPDFR only I guess? Or make it sense to install that to default SP game? Sorry when it already been answered in previous comments. I didn´t read them all.

    Domingo 20 de Marzo de 2022
  • Chop2

    @sofgaming The building is just pretty nice. Looks so cool in game that I was forced to drive through every time I start up the game. Do you have plans for similar Projects to enhance the look of the city? It´s not meant in any way of pressure up or something like that. Just great you released v.1.1. Thanks for sharing.

    Sábado 19 de Marzo de 2022
  • Chop2

    Looks amazing. Any recommendations for some other good mods giving the map additional flair? I mean besides installing some 90´s car mods. I was out for half an year from GTA V modding, so I don´t remind some mods in that 90´s direction. Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing your work.

    Mércores 9 de Marzo de 2022
  • Chop2

    EDIT: I mismatch the GTA V Resize mod with another, so I didn´t mean "old". I use them by myself since months, though. And what about WOrld of Variety mod? Is your mod compatible with them? I use WoV 10.1 the latest free Version of them.

    Martes 14 de Setembro de 2021
  • Chop2

    @CyberdyneSystems Looks promising, Mate! I like the grim, bit dark looking Games Graphics in many games like Skyrim or Fallout 4. For GTA V I didn´t expect something like that. But what I see on your screenshots doesn´t ruin the GTA V feeling I guess. I have in mind that Terminator mod which are or was provided here in the Forum years ago. You may know that one. So far as I remember it was script where the T 1000 hunts you etc. Was fun to play but unfortunetly the script was never improved. Maybe I reinstall it if I find them and pack your Graphic mod on top. Anyway, I will follow the mods Progress and I think I just wait till it´s final. On the other hand I am currently before a new playthrough and have a clean Game Folder right now seeking for new inspiration for my next Graphics for the game. Damn you pics looks so good that I want to try your one out. Parallax is a word I know from Skyrim modifications like from Pfuscher. Where do you get attention of that? And good luck for your big Project. Keep motivation! ;-)

    Martes 14 de Setembro de 2021
  • Chop2

    @VoxR4710 Really? Is there a new Game Update today? Didn´t start the R* Launcher today so I read that here in the comments. I am still on 2372, so can I use this mod, right? Another Question: The mods you are recommend are some old mods. Did they really work in present day? Like the Drug mod and the Performance Enhancer?

    Martes 14 de Setembro de 2021